our team

We are a collective of artists, designers & developers with decades of experience in branding, websites, retail, e-commerce, and creating beautifully designed physical spaces.

our ethos

We are driven by core values of beauty and harmony, which we know are not only essential for the well-being of all humans and our planet, but the well-being of businesses, too.

what is eli étoile ?

Eli is me. It’s the loving name I was given when I was soul-searching, being born into my creative self. And étoile translates to star.

I created eli étoile to tell stories about people, ideas and brands. And the longest standing connection to human storytelling is the stars. We have used them to find our way home, or to places unknown but dreamed of. And we are all made of stars. We’re cosmic beings. It is something that is special about each of us, yet simultaneously universal, connecting us to one another. A star is also an exceptional talent, an apt description of me and everyone I work with.

If this resonates with you, even a small part of yourself; if you feel like you’re home, or in a new place that you’ve dreamed of: reach out. Share your story with me, and together we’ll share it with the world.


Elizabeth Sherman

Creative Director